Friday, March 02, 2007

Sweat, Blood and Tears

Well I am in a Bschool, actually have been for almost a year now...So the 11.76 lakh (average salary) question....Whats it like? rather cool really....

" Sacrilege!!" "burn him at the stake" I know, I know, such thoughts inevitably follow in the average Indian's TOI and NDTV programmed heads...But just hold on...leave the average salary, highest salary, IIM student spotted flushing money down the toilet thing for just one second...could it be that some normal blokes who mugged thru a particular exam really well, are ya know just...there...

First few days at the insti was a bit of a shock and kinda set the tone for things to follow. Bulk deals for everything from laptops to tooth brushes were scrupulously done and we were witness to hazaar presentations and by the end of three days we were dying for classes to start. Well by the end of the first week, the gangs were formed, the DCPs (Desperate Class Participants) were isolated and after the results of the first quiz, the academic hierarchy was set in stone which apart from the occasionally presumptuous dick, none of the Tom's and Harry's bothered to question.

One sure way to test if you would thrive on a Bschool diet for a couple of years is to add the number of times your hand shot up since grade school when a teacher asked:
a question/for a class monitor to spy on the class/for a volunteer to clean the corridor/went up when she didn't ask anything at all. If your answer has you reaching for an excel sheet, boy will you enjoy a BSchool. There's something on All the Time, on an average there are 353 committees in a Bschool, with another 600 interest groups, add to this equation lots of free time for students in a residential set up with a large dose of naive, wide eyed first year enthu cutlets and you have a heady concoction of activities happening day in and day out with ungodly amounts of participation.

But the kids learn and a month of seeing the mysteriously high and jobless seniors, they learn the essential gift of giving the finger to committees, spamming on laptops in class, giving up on quizzes and inebriated weekends of movies/sitcoms/cricket on hostel corridors.

But being presumptuous is one of the perks assumed as a given with an IIM education and a few years later, business magazines are soon full of reports of nostalgic accounts of alumni breathlessly working out fin problems through the night while munching ops cases for breakfasts peppered with the amounts earned by 22 year olds in the current batch. Enamored by this, gullible 4th year engineering students mug a bit more and the cycle continues....